This is how Supervision assigns lockers
During the first few weeks of school, lockers are assigned to students, but what happens to those who don’t receive lockers? And why do freshmen get priority?
During the first few weeks of school, lockers are assigned to students, but what happens to those who don’t receive lockers? And why do freshmen get priority?
Every student from middle school to high school is given an assigned locker to use for storage, but do students really need it? Hear opinions from students on whether or not schools should have lockers.
In the season premiere of the BBN, learn about the ALS ice bucket challenge, how you can get a new skateboard locker, and find out […]
The BBN premieres the first episode of Season 12 with a promotional video of Club Rush, a PSA reminding you to lock your lockers, and […]
Every year, seniors aren’t assigned to lockers. They either have to sign up for one and be wait-listed until the office assigns them to one or […]