REVIEW: She’s the Man
Is the movie “She’s the Man” good, great or neither?
Is the movie “She’s the Man” good, great or neither?
Have you ever felt limited to share your creative talents with the world because of your socioeconomic status? Meet Keith Haring.
Enjoy your winter holidays in the magical central Europe Christmas markets.
Art gives people a voice that doesn’t need to be spoken aloud. It gives them a chance to express themselves through something that may mean more to them than words — to feel their emotions displayed in their hard work.
How do you access your water? Is it through a tap on your kitchen, water bottles, or something else entirely?
There is a Czechoslovakian proverb that states, “Better a lie that soothes than a truth that hurts.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Have you ever felt like no style really felt like “you”? Styles don’t have to be exact or meticulously planned for it to match your personality and how you want to present yourself.