ASB’s long poster-producing process in preparation for Bell Week
ASB and Senate spend many hours to create hundreds of posters for the annual Bell Week.
ASB and Senate spend many hours to create hundreds of posters for the annual Bell Week.
Fountain Valley High School celebrates the annual Bell Week despite the rain and pumps the students up with posters all over the campus.
Isabelle Abbott, the student who removed the alleged offensive poster, speaks out about her actions.
What began as a student removing a poster she thought offensive, turned into an open debate about the offense of Bell Week posters.
The annual Bell Game unites the student body of FVHS and builds more school spirit than any other event.
The spirit of Bell Week comes at a high cost for FVHS.
The much-awaited Edison Week has finally arrived. The week starts off with decorative posters covering the school causing excitement and curiosity from all the students. […]
Every year I look forward to the first week of November, the much anticipated Bell Week. It’s one of my favorite weeks of the year. […]