Roaming Reporter: Teacher’s advice for the Class of 2025
What do teachers wish they could’ve known when they were a senior in high school?
What do teachers wish they could’ve known when they were a senior in high school?
The traffic situation at Fountain Valley High School has become increasingly problematic as long lines fill the streets and students are finding it harder to get to class on time.
There’s a lot you can learn about your teachers even before meeting them. Just take a look at the walls!
From school supplies to computers, Fountain Valley High School provides various educational resources to its students and teachers. However, some teachers may spend their own money to enhance learning in the classroom.
After 10 years of coaching FVHS’ award-winning Pep Squad, Tara Bearden has decided to step down. What will she do now, and what is the impact the incredible coach has had on her cheerleaders?
The deadlines outside of class time for online assignments are more problematic for students than they are beneficial.
Students main focus during AP week should be studying for AP exams. Teachers assigning homework overburdens students who have to reallocate time to nonhelpful assignments.
Getting into high school, no one tells you the real guiding factors to make the most out of your experience, here is some advice from a senior on what you should do in high school.
Putting the quality of homework first allows students to focus on valuable content while prioritizing the quantity of homework improves students’ long-term memory.
Students have gone through the trials and errors of online learning and have feedback for teachers.